This Page Contains 4 Weeks Data - Click Here For This Week


MRRPC Notes is a collection of online information for the use of MRRPC Staff and the distribution of specific data to others who may benefit from this data. Login

Ken`s Current Plans and Projects

New "Names" System

New River Notes

New "EMAIL" System

Our Survey Page

Login | Qualtrics

AI`s you can use

Specific Links and "Collections" of Data

Plans & Projects #plan

Jon`s MRRPC Calendar

Ken`s MRRPC Calendar

Getting started with ArcGIS StoryMaps

Simon`s MRRPC Calendar

MRRPC Website

Notes and Articles For Reference

   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

System Files MRRPC

Miss River Road / Inventory
Town of River Falls Comp Plan Update
Village of Oakdale Comp Plan Update
City of Black River Falls Comp Plan
Village of Merrillan Outdoor Rec Plan
Village of Ellsworth Outdoor Rec Plan
Rural Wisconsin Transportation Work Program
MRRPC Newsletter
Annual Report

New River Notes

New "Names" System

New "EMAIL" System

   ...Full Story Here


Social Links

Surveys in the works...

Freight Strategy Preview:

Vernon County Economic Development Inventory Preview:

Jackson County Comprehensive Plan Preview:

   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

Project for Vernon and Crawoford County

Economic Data

Vernon Co. Economic
Vernon Economic Development
Mississippi River
Regional Planning Commision

De Soto Area School District

Vernon County

Crawford County

Top Employers in Vernon and Crawford Counties

Vernon County
Bethel Home and Services Inc.
Viroqua Area School District
Westby Co-Op Creamery Co.


Cabela’s Distribution Center and Destination Retail Store
3M Prairie du Chien Plant
Truvant (formerly Prairie Industries, Inc.)
Astec (formerly Dillman Equipment, Inc.)
Universal Forrest Products
Business Automation Products, Inc.
Crossing Rivers Medical Center

New Developments

Industrial/Business Parks
CountyCommunityName of SiteDate# of
Acres SoldAcres For SaleZoningUtil. To Site?Yr Utilities Installed
CrawfordV Gays MillsApplewood Business Park200118414IndustrialYes2001
CrawfordV Soldiers GroveSoldiers Grove Industrial Park198316160IndustrialYes1983
CrawfordV WauzekaWauzeka Industrial Park1984441232IndustrialYes1982
CrawfordC Pr. du ChienNorth Industrial Park19751001000IndustrialYes1975
CrawfordC Pr. du ChienSouth Industrial Park I198950437IndustrialYes1989
CrawfordC Pr. du ChienSouth Industrial Park II19971600160IndustrialNo1997
VernonV Coon ValleyCoon Valley Industrial Park1996573522IndustrialYes1996
VernonC HillsboroHillsboro Industrial Park1995201010IndustrialYes1995
VernonC HillsboroMerricks Industrial Park10100IndustrialYes
VernonV ViolaViola Industrial Park1983963IndustrialYes1983
VernonC ViroquaViroqua Industrial Park196838380IndustrialYes1968
VernonC ViroquaViroqua Industrial Park II19921156154IndustrialYes1993
VernonC WestbyWestby Industrial Park1997807010IndustrialYes1997

News Articles

Solar celebration in Viroqua highlights rural energy economy

Vernon Economic Development Association has been working for more than three years to bring solar energy to the Food Enterprise Center’s main operations. The Food Enterprise Center is a multi-tenant facility owned and managed by VEDA. The center houses 28 businesses that support more than 345 jobs in this rural area, with 98 employees on site.

Gov. Evers: Celebrates June Dairy Month, highlights Wisconsin’s dairy industry

...On Wednesday, June 21, the governor, together with State Sen. Brad Pfaff (D-Onalaska), State Rep. Jenna Jacobson (D-Oregon), State Rep. Travis Tranel (R-Cuba City), State Rep. Loren Oldenburg (R-Viroqua), and State. Rep Nancy VanderMeer (R-Tomah) visited Hamburg Hills Farm in Stoddard (Vernon County), a family-owned, organic dairy farm, to sign Senate Bill 247, now 2023 Wisconsin Act 13. Act 13 expands the Local Roads Improvement Program to include agricultural road improvement projects by creating the Agricultural Roads Improvement Program. The move by the governor to help support local agricultural road improvement projects statewide comes as the day prior, he enacted 2023 Wisconsin Act 12 to provide a historic increase in state support to local communities across Wisconsin. A photo from the bill signing in Stoddard is available here and here...

...This visionary collaboration brings together two trusted local cooperatives to launch in total a $26 million fiber installation project aimed at enhancing communication infrastructure and empowering members with cutting-edge technology....

Vernon Economic Development Association holds annual meeting

...Sue Noble, Executive Director of VEDA, shared these highlights of the organization’s accomplishments from the past year:
    • Assisting more than 75 businesses...
    • Working with Ethos Green Power Cooperative...
    • Meet with Coon Valley Industrial and Economic Development Board to revitalize their downtown...
    • Sponsoring Community Hunger Solutions...
    • Managing the Food

   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

Jackson County Comprehensive plan

County Comprehensive Planning - Jackson County, WI 2010 Version
U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Jackson County, Wisconsin
The official website of the City of Black River Falls

Transit Links:

c) Transportation element. A compilation of objectives, policies, goals, maps and programs to guide the future development of the various modes of transportation, including highways, transit, transportation systems for persons with disabilities, bicycles, electric scooters, electric personal assistive mobility devices, walking, railroads, air transportation, trucking and water transportation. The element shall compare the local governmental unit`s objectives, policies, goals and programs to state and regional transportation plans. The element shall also identify highways within the local governmental unit by function and incorporate state, regional and other applicable transportation plans, including transportation corridor plans, county highway functional and jurisdictional studies, urban area and rural area transportation plans, airport master plans and rail plans that apply in the local governmental unit.

Potential goals

Our Guiding Principles. Implement and maintain a safe and efficient statewide multimodal transportation system that provides safe, affordable, accessible, and equitable transportation choices for all people.

Embrace a continuing, cooperative, comprehensive planning process.

Old Goals

Provide for a safe, efficient, multi-modal, and well-maintained transportation network for all residents, farmers, commercial and emergency vehicles

Be prepared to address other transportation modes required by Wisconsin’s 
Comprehensive Planning law

Transportation Goal 2023 (new Plan)

State Six Year Plan

Google Map of County

JACKSON ( State Map

Black River Falls National Highway System Map (

Jackson County Bicycle Map (

Jay Borek

DARRYL NELSON, Ctreet Superintendent
City Hall: (715) 284-2315
Street Shop: (715) 284-5612

Sandi Brandt, Office Manager/Accountant

#plan #comp #ken #aurora
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Social Links

MRRPC Economic Development Entities

Mississippi River
Regional Planning Commision

WEDC West Central
Coulee Regional Business Center
7rivers VC
Vernon Co. Economic Development
La Crosse Area Development Corporation
SBDC La Crosse

Economic Development
La Crosse Cty
Community Development
la crosse city
Economic Development
Pepin edc
Economic Development
WWDBddiPSW gomonroe
Trempealeau County Economic Development
WWBIC veda
Vernon Economic Development Association
Workforce Connections, Inc.
Pierce ED
The Pierce County EDC
Western Dairyland Economic Opportunity Council
Job and Business Development (JBD)
M West
Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority
USDA Rural Development Wisconsin
Xcel Energy Economic Development
Economic Development

#ED #Economic Development #MRRPCED   ...Full Story Here
#ED #Economic Development #MRRPCED

Social Links

Ken`s ToDo List

  • Jackson County Comp Plan

    • Goals for Transit Section (currently under review.)
    • Work on survey (Jon is selecting Software)

  • RFP for West Salem

  • Freight Study - Local Input

    • Develop comprehensive list of Transit Users

  • Viroqua Transit Group
  • Notes and Names System

#todo   ...Full Story Here


Social Links

MRRPC Regional Visitor Guides and Websites

MRRPC Guides

H Valleys DW La Crosse GRR
tw State Map
2023 Wisconsin Campground Directory

2023 Wisconsin Campground Directory

bike guide
jackson go mc VPC


Other Websites

Google Search...

   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

County Regional Coordinated Public Transit Plans

Planning Meeting October 18th 
9 AM to 11:30 AM
Altra Federal Credit Union 
Office Location
1700 Oak Forest Dr.
Onalaska, WI 54650

  • Save the Date
  • Review Old Plan
  • New Goals and Ideas to Ken PRIOR to Meeting
    • ADRC
    • Connectivity
    • Ride Sharing
    • Uber/Lyft/Others
    • Senior Centers
    • VA Services
    • SMRT Bus 
  • Transportaion Services Inventory


Transportation coordination is a process where human service agencies, transportation providers, consumer groups, and public officials work together to develop and improve services for transportation disadvantaged individuals and the public by ensuring that transportation resources funded by local, state, and federal programs are coordinated.


Federal transit law, as amended by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law requires  that projects selected for funding under the Section 5310, Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program, 1) be included in a locally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan and 2) that the plan be developed and approved through a process that includes participation by seniors, individuals with disabilities, representatives of public, private, and nonprofit transportation and human services providers and other members of the public.  

Federal law requires coordinated plans to be updated every four to five years and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has developed tools and forms to assist in these required updates.?

  • The Plan and keeper of the plan
  • Demographic data
  • Invitation list and attendance records
  • Public notice, meeting announcements, and agenda
  • Draft Plan
  • Adoption of plan
  • Summary of meeting evaluations

Plan Submittal and Deadlines

To do 

Time Line (due Octotber)

Contacts (county and community officials)

Old data and files here...

MRRPCServerPublicPeter2018 Coordinated plan update

Katie Patterson
Transit Section Lead Worker – Compliance and Oversight
Bureau of Transit, Local Roads, Railroads and Harbors
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
4822 Madison Yards Way, Sixth Floor South
Madison, WI 53705
(608) 264-7335


La Crosse Municipal Transit
Adam Lorentz
Transit Manager

LaCrosse Municipal Transit Utility
John Cordes
Route Supervisor

LaCrosse Municipal Transit Utility
Tim Koterwski
Route Supervisor and ADA Coordinator

#Plan #PublicTransit #ptp #ken #cole   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

A list of MRRPC Current Plans And Projects

Following is a list of open, pending, or ongoing MRRPC Projects or tasks. Each is linked to a details page outling what needs to be done , woh is responsable and date(s) the project is due.

Main Street Bounce Back WEDC
Jackson County Comp Plan
Crawford County Hazard Mitigation Plan
Vernon County Hazard Mitigation Plan
Build Grant Freight Study
Town of Farmington Comp Plan Update
Buffalo County Comp Plan
Vernon County Comp Plan
Town Bangor Comp Plan
Town Utica Comp Plan
Ellsworth Rec Plan
West Salem Rec Plan
Ferryville Rec Plan
Monroe County Hazard Mitigation Plan
Trempealeau County Hazard Mitigation Plan
Pierce County Hazard Mitigation Plan
Ho Chunk County Hazard Mitigation Plan
Black River Falls Rec Plan
Black River Falls Comp Plan
Vernon County Broad Band Plan
Buffalo County Broad Band Plan
Trempealeau County Broad Band Plan
Pepin County Broad Band Plan
Vernon County Economic Development Study
Village of Merrillan Comp Plan
Village of Merrillan Rec Plan
Village of Oakdale ??
Village of Coon Valley ??
Town of Greenfield ??
Town fo Rivver Falls ??
Westby Industrial Park

   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

Transit Planning Resources and Examples (DOT)

Wisconsin Department of Transportation Transit assistance programs (

Policies and procedures

Reports and studies

Transit planning studies and work programs?

   ...Full Story Here


Social Links

Meeting With Peter Fletcher and Bob Notes

Peter Fletcher, Executive Director
Phone: 608-785-5977

Jackie Eastwood, Transportation Planner
Phone: 608-785-6141

Contacts and Resources by County 

Note: Ken should find "Bobs" Work plan.

 (PDF Online here)

Ken Will serve on two tech committees.
Smart Bus
The Commission`s transportation services include: assisting the Mississippi River Parkway Commission in its planning and promotion activity for the Great River Road; assisting the La Crosse Area Planning Committee in meeting its Federal and State transportation planning requirements; assisting in expanding or establishing new multi-modal transit services; advising local governments on meeting and financing transportation needs of the elderly and handicapped; preparing public Human Service Transportation Plans for all nine counties; coordinating the involvement of Federal and State transportation plans and policies for consideration into local land use plans; providing a roadway management program that enables local governments to systematically prioritize their roadway maintenance needs based on sound evaluation criteria; and assisting in the development of harbor plans and projects for communities along the Mississippi River.

#MPO #Peter #Transit #transportation 
   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

MRRPC Freight Strategy

Visit the MRRPC Project Website:

MRRPC Contact

Ken Harwood
Cell 608.334.2174


Tech Memo 1

Other Documents

Tech Committee:

Michael Rewey
John Rosenow,
`Jean Galasinski`,,,
Rigelman, Sara E - DNR,
Lee Nerison,
Tom Vondrum,
James L Schneider,
Schnick, Roz,
Rosalie "Roz" Schnick,

Justin J. Scott, AICP
Project Manager, Freight and Transportation Planning
3701 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55416-3791
Direct: 763.249.6764 |

Sarah Simonson
Sarah Simonson (she/her) | Freight Program Officer
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Bureau of Planning and Economic Development (BPED)
4822 Madison Yards Way 6th Floor South, S603.09
P.O. Box 7913
Madison, WI 53707-7913

Jada Bigham

Leucinger, David - DOT

Support files online (SRF):  MRRPC Regional Freight Strategy

Tech Memo 2

Draft Report

   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

Wesby Industrial Park and LaX Fabricating

Home - LaX Fabricating LTD

City of Westby celebrates completion of business park

"Money for the city’s share of the expansion project comes from the tax increment district, not the general fund. Property taxes have not increased because of the project."

Westby`s Industrial Park 2021 - 2022 | Construction Job Site Documentation with Drone - YouTube

City of Westby | People you know, service you trust.

About | Westby, WI (

Thank you Mr. Mitchell for allowing us to come over and visit you and our operations at LaX Fabricating. 

You already know Mayor Dan and Christina from Vernon County Economic Development. 

Jon Bingol is the Director to the Mississippi River Regional Planning Commission that manages a business revolving loan fund for Vernon County.

Mayor Dan, Director Jon, Christina,

This info is confidential to immediate parties only. LaX Fabricating is seeking to expand some of their operations to Westby. They will maintain their current operations in Spring Grove.

We will be meeting there at LaX at 10am for Mr. John Mitchell to share about their business, and to discuss any financial assistances and technical assistances our entities can help with their operations into Westby business park.

Jon, Sorry. I was not able to chat with you prior to this invite. We hope you can join us. Please call when you have 5 minutes. Mark. 608-210-6852

   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

DOT Grants and Programs

Federal funding available for local programs over the next five fiscal years
   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

Tools and Guidance for Transit Professionals:

Tools and Guidance for Transit Professionals: 

FTA’s Guidance Center
FTA’s National Transit Database (NTB) 
Wisconsin Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP)
Rutger’s National Transit Institute (NTI)
National Center for Applied Transit Technology (NCATT)
National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM) 
Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA)
Wisconsin Public Transportation Association (WIPTA)

#tools   ...Full Story Here


Social Links

Websites, Wiki and Board members for Counties in MRRPC


Buffalo County, WI - Official Website | Official Website (

  Buffalo County, Wisconsin - Wikipedia

     2021-Buffalo-County-Directory (


 Crawford County Wisconsin

 Crawford County, Wisconsin - Wikipedia

Microsoft Word - CountyDirectory.doc (


Jackson County, WI

Jackson County, Wisconsin - Wikipedia

 Microsoft Word - 2022-2023 County Directory (

La Crosse

Home (

La Crosse County, Wisconsin - Wikipedia

Board Members (


Monroe County, WI | Home

Monroe County, Wisconsin - Wikipedia

 638102414064400000 (


 Pepin County, WI

 Pepin County, Wisconsin - Wikipedia

2021_Directory__Public_12-1-2021_.pdf (


 Pierce County, WI

 Pierce County, Wisconsin - Wikipedia

 Pierce County, WI (board)


 Trempealeau County

 Trempealeau County, Wisconsin - Wikipedia

 Trempealeau County Wisconsin (


 Vernon County, WI

 Vernon County, Wisconsin - Wikipedia

 Vernon County, WI

   ...Full Story Here


Social Links

Bluff lot

Hi Ken,
Nice to meet you today. I hope the rest of your rummaging travels went well!
As promised, here is the document containing the most recently approved covenants for the association, consisting of DeSoto Bluffs Drive and DeSoto Ridge Drive, attached.
Also, in addition to the two homes and the lot currently listed for sale on DeSoto Bluffs Drive, 65741 DeSoto Bluffs Drive will be listed on the market later this season. I don`t have any insight into the listing price, but I thought I`d mention it. Best of luck with your search for a new property in the Driftless!

   ...Full Story Here


Social Links

Links and resources

Index - WisConomy (

Wisconsin DNR Public Access Lands

County Profiles

County Major Employer Report

   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

Intermodal Data

NE-Wisconsin-Intermodal-Study-Final-Report.pdf (

Northeast Wisconsin’s shippers face challenges in securing affordable and reliable intermodal transportation services. These challenges relate to at least two major factors:

  • The relatively long drive under congested traffic conditions between Northeast Wisconsin and major intermodal terminals in Chicago, and

  • The acute shortage of truck drivers in the United States.

This study focuses on the first major issue and aims to determine the feasibility of developing an intermodal service in Northeast Wisconsin. The topic of intermodal access is particularly important for the region given its high concentration of freight dependent businesses—including manufacturing.

The establishment of a locally-based intermodal rail transportation service has the potential to address these problems. Intermodal has historically been best-suited for the movement of medium-value items like consumer goods and manufactured products over moderate to long distances and is an important transportation option for both domestic and international shipping in the United States. Yet, Northeast Wisconsin has been without direct intermodal service since the closure of Wisconsin Central’s intermodal facilities in 2001. With surging demand from the region’s manufacturers, this study seeks to establish the potential feasibility of developing a new facility to newly anchor intermodal service in 2022 and beyond.

Wisconsin Department of Transportation Freight Advisory Committee - Intermodal freight (

conf-ogard.pdf (

NCWRPC INTERMODAL ANALYSIS November 7, 2023 WisDOT Rail Meeting

RFP – Northeast WI Intermodal Freight Facility Study | ECWRPC

ECWRPC is issuing this “Request for Proposals” (RFP) to: Northeast Intermodal Freight Facility Study – Phase 2. Between the fall of 2020 and May of 2022, the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission worked with the Brown County Planning Commission/Green Bay MPO, Port of Green Bay, New North, Inc., private consulting firms, and a steering committee to develop an intermodal freight facility study for the northeast portion of the state. This study found that there is significant demand for intermodal freight shipping in Northeast Wisconsin and that a locally-based intermodal service may be fast and cost-effective enough to be an attractive option for shippers. However, the study also found that there are currently a variety of operational challenges associated with establishing intermodal service and that a strong business case needs to be built to justify establishing this type of service in Northeast Wisconsin.

   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

Local assistance programs

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) - Local Programs

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) represents a significant increase of federal funding available for local programs over the next five fiscal years.

Road and bridge assistance programs

These programs assist local governments with needed improvements to local roads, highways and bridges.

Transit assistance programs

Transit programs can assist local governments and transit systems with operating and/or capital expenses to support public transportation services, such as buses, vans and shared-ride taxi systems.

Other aid?

These programs provide financial assistance to local governments, along with other public and private entities, to make a variety of improvements to highways, airports, harbors, bike, rail and pedestrian facilities.

Related information:...

#grants #transpotation 
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Social Links

Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

?The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) required by 23 CFR 450.216, is a four-year prioritized listing of highway and transit projects for the state of Wisconsin. The STIP includes both capital and non-capital projects that are federally funded or considered regionally significant in both urban and rural areas. The STIP incorporates the Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs) prepared by the state`s 14 metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) by reference. Approval of the STIP is done jointly by the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration and constitutes formal approval of the incorporated MPO TIPs.

Jim Kuehn
Statewide MPO-RPC Coordinator                                                                                             
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Bureau of Planning and Economic Development
4822 Madison Yards Way, 6th Floor South
P.O. Box 7913
Madison WI 53707-7913

#grants  #DOT

   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

Broadband Study(s)

Other Studies

   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

Viroqua Transit Group

Items to share:

  • What are we looking for?
  • Priorities?
  • Providers ADRC, SMRT Bus, Local Transit, Others?
  • Community, County, and Regional Planning Documents.

Annika and team,

Ken Harwood, from the Mississippi River Regional Planning Commission is available to meet with the group on Wednesday. Ken is copied on this email. Please make sure he has the link to the meeting, unless he can join you in person?  His phone number is: 608.785.9396

I spoke with Ken about our group, and our goals for understanding Vernon Co.`s existing transportation network, as well as any opportunities that exist within our region. Ken is also very knowledgeable about funding opportunities!  

Before we do a gaps analysis, it is important to really understand what already exists, and Ken can fill us in. He also is well acquainted with passenger rail plans in our area.

Here is the region`s transportation plans:
Please have a look at Vernon Co.`s Human Service Transportation Plan - this is what I spoke to the group about last time. Within it is an inventory of providers in our area.

If my work travel plans change, I`ll join the group. 

Thank you!

On Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 2:13?PM `Annika Mersmann` via CRRT <

   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

Wisconsin Major Employers

   ...Full Story Here


Social Links

Veron County Economic Development Strategy-Plan For Vernon County REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL



Susan Noble

Executive Director, Vernon Economic Development Association
1201 North Main Street,
Suite 6, Viroqua WI 54665

Christina Dollhausen
Economic Development & Tourism Coordinator
Vernon County, WI

News Articles

Vernon County Economic Development Goals

1. Support and Retain Current Businesses 
2. Support entrepreneurship and the development of new businesses 
3. Development of Workforce Housing and Childcare Facilities
    including Childcare providers/workforce 
3. Create jobs through business Expansion 
4.  Skilled workforce development & Youth retention  
5. Support Communities downtown business development and improvement efforts 
6. Expand the use of the Vernon County Loan Funds 
7. Expand Countys Tourism economy and enhance Outdoor Recreation

  • Cover Letter
  • Executive Summary
  • Plan Details and Implementation (in line with goals)
  • Contract
  • References and expected Results

#RFP #Ken #Simon
   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

Wisconsin DOT Local Program Symposium Agenda

 May 19, 2021 Statewide Webinar (3 hours) 

   ...Full Story Here
#DOT #DOTSymposium

Social Links

Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Coordination Plans

We have schedule three kick-off meetings to discuss the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) requirement for Coordination Plans for any areas receiving Section 5310 funds (Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with a Disability).  

WisDOT has required plans at the county or RPC level to help ensure plans that are effective on a local level.

We have updated the Coordination Plan Toolkit from last time and will update our website soon with the new materials. Additionally, we will have these posted in our BlackCat grants management system.

We anticipate the plans to be due in early November in order to meet the December 31st due date but can be flexible on your needs and scheduling.

Let me know if you cannot meet during one of the meetings and we can schedule a one-on-one ??

Let me know if you need additional logins/users for BlackCat
I plan on presenting in the July MPO/RPC meeting as well.

As far as we know, none of the 5310/FTA guidance has changed, so everything is pretty similar to last time with just few formatting updates and some additional language for virtual meetings.

Below are the meeting times/dates/links. I decided to attach them all here instead of bombarding your email imboxes with multiple invites.

Thank you!

   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

Regional Plans

“By failing to plan, you are planning to fail.” – Anonymous

Comprehensive Plan
Hazzard Mitigation
Outdoor Recreation
Economic Development
Transportation Coordination

Comprehensive Plan
Hazzard Mitigation
Outdoor Recreation
Economic Development
Transportation Coordination

Comprehensive Plan
Hazzard Mitigation
Out Door Recreation
Economic Development
Transportation Coordination

Comprehensive Plan
Hazzard Mitigation
Outdoor Recreation
Economic Development
Transportation Coordination

Comprehensive Plan
Hazzard Mitigation
Outdoor Recreation
Economic Development
Transportation Coordination

Comprehensive Plan
Hazzard Mitigation
Outdoor Recreation
Economic Development
Transportation Coordination

Comprehensive Plan
Hazzard Mitigation
Outdoor Recreation
Economic Development
Transportation Coordination

Comprehensive Plan
Hazzard Mitigation
Outdoor Recreation
Economic Development
Transportation Coordination

#plandirectory #pd
   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

Carbon Reduction Program

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law of 2021 (BIL) establishes a Carbon Reduction Program. This new federal program provides funding for projects that reduce transportation emissions and requires states to develop comprehensive carbon reduction strategies.

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has announced the new State Fiscal Year 2023 Carbon Reduction Program solicitation, application materials are available below. Applications previously received during the State Fiscal Year 2022 solicitation are being reviewed for eligibility...
#grants #DOT
   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

WEDC Grant Programs




#WEDC #ED #Economic #Development

   ...Full Story Here


Social Links

Great River Road (Mississippi River Trail / MRT ) Bicycle Project

• Spans approximately 3,000 miles from Minnesota to Louisiana
• Spans 10 States, and 8 of the 10 include route signage and bike route designation
• Approximately 250 Miles in Wisconsin

Francis M. Schelfhout
Wisconsin Department of Transportation - SW-Region
Systems Planning and Operations
Urban/Regional Planner - Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator
Phone: 608.785.9947

“By failing to plan, you are planning to fail.” – Anonymous

#projects #mrt

   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

Names For Data Base

Peter Fletcher, Executive Director 

Phone: 608.785.5977 E-mail: 

Jackie Eastwood, Transportation Planner 

Phone: 608.785.6141 E-mail:

Anshu Singh, Ph.D.

Director of Sustainability and Conservation

Corn Belt Ports

Twin Towers Plaza

456 Fulton Street, Office Suite 253

Peoria, Illinois  61602

Cell: 419.481.0706


Merrill Mechler-Hickson

Local Roads Programs & Finance Section Chief

Bureau of Transit, Local Roads, Railroads & Harbors

WisDOT Division of Transportation Investment Management

4822 Madison Yards Way, 6th Floor South, Madison, WI 53705

(608) 261-8977 desk; (414) 308-3984 mobile

Justin J. Scott, AICP

Project Manager, Freight and Transportation Planning

SRF Consulting Group

3701 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55416-3791

Direct: 763.249.6764 |

Evan Gross

Transportation Programs Specialist

Federal Transit Administration

200 W. Adams St. Suite 320

Chicago, IL 60606


Mary Forlenza

Planning & Program Development Team Leader

Planning, Air Quality, Environment, Civil Rights, Freight

City Center West | 525 Junction Rd, Suite 8000 | Madison, WI 53717

Email: | Phone: 608-829-7517

Jim Kuehn

Jim Kuehn

Statewide MPO-RPC Coordinator

Wisconsin Department of Transportation

Bureau of Planning and Economic Development

4822 Madison Yards Way, 6th Floor South

P.O. Box 7913

Madison WI 53707-7913


From: Bittorf, Roselynn X - DOT <>
To: Abby Haas <>; Amy Seeboth-Wilson <>; Brett While <>; Carol Roth <>; Corie Dejno <>; Ela Kakde <>; Hardie, Chris <>; Hemp, Kyle L - DOT <>; Jasen Glasbrenner <>; Jason Fields <>; Jeff Segebrecht <>; Jon Bingol <>; Kathy Collins <>; Larry Bierke <>; Maggied, Troy - Other <>; Mark Tallman <>; McMurtry, Alex - DOT <>; Olivia Otte <>; Pearson, Zachary L - DOT <>; Ron Brisbois <>; Scott, Jason - WEDC <>; Sommerfield, Arthur - DOT <>; Umhoefer, Matthew - DOT <>; Vobora, David <>; Wade, Charles J - DOT <>; Winterton, Robert - DOT <>
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2023 at 08:27:26 AM CDT

Subject: SW WisDOT Region/Economic Development Partners Meeting

Roselynn Bittorf

Transportation Economic Assistance Program Manager

Bureau of Planning and Economic Development (BPED)



   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

Corn Belt Ports Team

The Northern Grain Belt Ports received official designation and will be listed and ranked on the annual U.S. Leading Ports List.

The Northern Grain Belt Ports district is centered on the I-90 crossing of the Upper Mississippi River. It includes the historic inland port cities of La Crosse and Prairie du Chien in Wisconsin and the ports of Wabasha, Red Wing, and Winona in Minnesota. Also in the district are seven Wisconsin counties - Pierce, Pepin, Buffalo, Trempealeau, La Crosse, Vernon, and Crawford - and four Minnesota counties along the Upper Mississippi River.

This designation will help capture and represent the value of port and terminal activity inside the designated area.

A few articles (or, additional information) below:


U.S. Army Corps breaks ground on tie-up site for river traffic ( ;


$2.3M upgrade to Lock and Dam 14 to improve water traffic time, safety ( ;



... a few things to highlight...
Please continue to support your “local,” regional Corn Belt Port any way that you can.  A strong “local” port does give you a definite “Home Port Advantage.”...

Robert A. Sinkler
Water Resources Infrastructure Director
Heart of Illinois Regional Port District (TransPORT)
& Corn Belt Ports Executive Coordinating Director
Twin Towers Plaza
456 Fulton Street, Office Suite 253
Peoria, Illinois  61602
Cell: 309.230.8790

Anshu Singh
Chris Smith

#projects #ports 

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Social Links

Mississippi River Regional Planning Commission (MRRPC)

Working together to make the Mississippi River Region
 a great place to live and work.

The Mississippi River Regional Planning Commission provides planning and economic development services to improve the region`s environment, economy and quality of life. We serve a nine county region, providing studies and planning services, resources and data to help with your grant applications or reporting needs, and business loans.


Executive Director



Administrative Assistant

1707 Main Street
Suite 435
La Crosse, WI 54601

Phone: 608.785.9396
Fax: 608.785.9394

   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

Northern Grain Belt Ports and ANUAL MEETING

2023 Northern Grain Belt Ports Annual Meeting

Thursday, October 5, 2023 at xxxxx 

xxxx, La Crosse, WI

Purpose: The Northern Grain Belt Ports initial organization meeting is to share information amongst stakeholders, network and help build a common unified vision for the Northern Grain Belt Ports

8:15-8:45 – Registration 
8:30-9:00   Continental Breakfast
9:00-9:05   Administrative Remarks
9:05-9:10  Welcome – Mayor Mitch Reynolds, Mayor La Crosse, WI (Host) 
9:10-9:15  Welcome – Mayor Scott Sherman, Mayor of Winona, MN. (Host)
9:15-9:20 Welcome – xxxxx Chair La Crosse Joint Board of Harbor Commissioners (Host)
9:20-9:50  Key Note Speaker 
9:50-10:05: Corn Belt Ports Update

Federal Updates

10:05-10:10  Introduction - COL Eric Swenson, Commander and District Engineer, St. Paul District, US Army Corps of Engineers 
10:10-10:35  Mr. Andrew Goodall Navigation and Ecosystem Sustainability Program (NESP) Program Manager - Rock Island District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 
10:35-10:55  Marshall Plumley, Upper Mississippi River Restoration (UMRR) Program Director, Upper Mississippi River Restoration Update, Rock Island District, 
10:55-11:15  Tamara Cameron, Director of Operations, Operations Update, St. Paul District, US Army Corps of Engineers
11:15-11:40  Mr. Travis Black, Director, Inland Waterways Gateway Office, Maritime Administration (MARAD) Update, US Department of Transportation 

Upper Mississippi River Basin M-35/M-55 Work and Resilience Planning 

11:40-12:00  Kirsten Wallace, Executive Director, Upper Mississippi River Basin Association

12:00-1:00 Lunch 

State Updates 

1:00-1:15  Mike Halsted, Harbors & Waters Program Manager, Wisconsin Department of Transportation
1:15-1:30   Andrew Andrusko, Statewide Planning, Minnesota Department of Transportation  
1:30-1:45  WI Department of Natural Resources
1:45-2:00   MN Department of Natural Resources
Regional Planning Agencies
2:00-2:15 Jon Bingol, Executive Director, Mississippi River Regional Planning Agency
2:15-2:30  Peter Fletcher, Executive Director, La Crosse Area Planning Committee
Other Stakeholder 
2:30-2:45  Bryan Hopkins, IL & Upper Mississippi, Director of Freshwater Conservation, The Nature Conservancy
2:45-3:00 xxxxx Upper Mississippi Waterway Association 
3:00-3:10 Break 

State Ports

3:10-3:20  Red Wing Port Authority
3:20-3:30 Winona Port Authority 
3:30-3:40 Wabasha Port Authority
3:40-3:50 La Crosse Joint Board of Harbor Commissioners
3:50-4:00 Prairie du Chien Port Authority
The Annual Northern Grain Belt Ports Meeting will be held at on Thursday October 5, 2023

Registration fee is $xx per person 
(includes Thursday breakfast & lunch)

Register on-line at xxxxx

Please See:

Port of La Crosse Brochure

Port Contact La Crosse

Adam Binsfeld
President at Brennan Marine Inc.
Direct: 608.519.5271

Brennan Marine, Inc.
Corporate Headquarters
818 Bainbridge Street
La Crosse, WI 54603

Port Contact Prairie du Chien   
(608) 326-6471


#PortReport #NorthernGrain Belt #ports

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Social Links

public transit agencies



Below is a list of WisDOT’s primary contacts for public transit agencies operating within the Mississippi River RPC. Please let us know if you need any additional information.


City of River Falls

Kristi McKahan

Phone: (715) 426-3403


Amy White

Phone: (715) 426-3408


City of Black River Falls

Alex Chown

Phone: (715) 284-5514


City of Tomah

Molly Powell

Phone: (608) 374-7423


Kirk Arity

Phone: (608) 374-7453


City of
La Crosse

James Krueger

Phone: (608) 789-7350


Adam Lorentz

Phone: (608) 789-7350


City of Onalaska

Sabrina Steger

Phone: (608) 392-0219


City of Viroqua

Lori Polhamus

Phone: (608) 637-7522


City of Prairie du Chien

Tina Fuller

Phone: (608) 326-6406


   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

Wisconsin Development Publications

NEW IN 2023

<  Since 2010

      Since 2012 >
12K Subscribers

   ...Full Story Here

Jon Notes: These are aggrigations of published news stories from around the State and will now include more MRRPC regional news. Please forward any news item for these three publications to me and Ken Harwood,

Social Links

Press List

WKTY, News Director, 201 State Street, La Crosse, WI 54601

River Falls Journal, 2815 Prairie Drive, PO Box 25, River Falls, WI 54022

La Crosse Tribune, Attn: City Desk, 401 N. 3rd Street, La Crosse, WI 54601

Leader-Telegram, Regional Director, PO Box 570,  Eau Claire, WI 54702

Buffalo County Journal, Alma, WI 54610

Banner Journal, 409 E Main Street, Black River Falls, WI 54615

WLXR, PO Box 2017, La Crosse, WI 54602-2017

WIZM – Z-93, News Director, PO BOX 99, La Crosse, WI 54602-99

Vernon County Broadcaster, 124 W. Court Street, PO Box 472, Viroqua, WI 54665

Courier Press, 132 S. Beaumont Road, Prairie du Chien, WI 53821

Carol Rockman, Planning Director, Ho Chunk Nation, PO Box 667, Black River Falls, WI 54615

#Press #news
   ...Full Story Here

Social Links

Start Week: 8 - Query String:SELECT * FROM MRRPCNotes WHERE `issue` > 8 and volume = 25 OR `issue` > 90 ORDER BY sortorder