Jackson County Comprehensive plan

Jackson County Comprehensive plan

County Comprehensive Planning - Jackson County, WI 2010 Version
U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Jackson County, Wisconsin
The official website of the City of Black River Falls

Transit Links:

c) Transportation element. A compilation of objectives, policies, goals, maps and programs to guide the future development of the various modes of transportation, including highways, transit, transportation systems for persons with disabilities, bicycles, electric scooters, electric personal assistive mobility devices, walking, railroads, air transportation, trucking and water transportation. The element shall compare the local governmental unit`s objectives, policies, goals and programs to state and regional transportation plans. The element shall also identify highways within the local governmental unit by function and incorporate state, regional and other applicable transportation plans, including transportation corridor plans, county highway functional and jurisdictional studies, urban area and rural area transportation plans, airport master plans and rail plans that apply in the local governmental unit.

Potential goals

Our Guiding Principles. Implement and maintain a safe and efficient statewide multimodal transportation system that provides safe, affordable, accessible, and equitable transportation choices for all people.

Embrace a continuing, cooperative, comprehensive planning process.

Old Goals

Provide for a safe, efficient, multi-modal, and well-maintained transportation network for all residents, farmers, commercial and emergency vehicles

Be prepared to address other transportation modes required by Wisconsin’s 
Comprehensive Planning law

Transportation Goal 2023 (new Plan)

State Six Year Plan

Google Map of County

JACKSON (wisconsindot.gov) State Map

Black River Falls National Highway System Map (wisconsindot.gov)

Jackson County Bicycle Map (wisconsindot.gov)

Jay Borek

DARRYL NELSON, Ctreet Superintendent
City Hall: (715) 284-2315
Street Shop: (715) 284-5612
Email: brf.streets@blackriverfalls.us

Sandi Brandt, Office Manager/Accountant


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