Wisconsin Workforce Housing News

Wisconsin Workforce Housing News

Nate Zurawski
Marketing and Communications

Ken Harwood

This Weeks Articles for 3/15/2024 ...

  1. ‘I’m essentially breaking even every month’: Wisconsin renters struggle with rising prices...
  2. City of Beloit announces $6 million investment in affordable housing...
  3. Madison residents face difficulties as housing prices climb...
  4. Immigrant Dairy Workers Often Endure Substandard Housing Conditions. The Law Doesn’t Protect Them ...
  5. Wausau infill housing project inches forward, including Thomas Street properties ...
  6. Milwaukee County officials work to find housing for those living at park and rides ...
  7. Milwaukee wants 1 million people and more housing. One solution is zoning changes...
  8. Cedarburg officials weigh Mandel, Neumann proposals totaling almost 800 homes and apartments...
  9. Developer to break ground next week on a $40 million housing project in Portage...


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Kenneth Arthur Harwood - - Volume: 10 - WEEK: 100 Date: 3/15/2024 11:11:00 AM -