City Council overwhelmingly approves housing partnership with ULINE

City Council overwhelmingly approves housing partnership with ULINE

The Kenosha City Council overwhelmingly approved a new home ownership program in partnership with ULINE, with the city allocating up to $3 million in a matching fund.

Council members voted 14-1 for the effort with Ald. David Mau the sole vote against it. Alds. Kelly MacKay and Keith Rosenberg were absent from the meeting.

City staff have called the effort a effort a "once-in-a-generation investment" through a private donation of $3 million from ULINE. It required the commitment from the city to match the donation and leverage public and private resources to offer families home ownership in the community in the coming years...

See Also:

Uline donates millions to Kenosha for workforce housing programs

Kenosha officials could create programs to encourage new houses on lots in the center of the city under a $6 million effort that is half-funded by a donation from Uline Inc...


Ken Notes: Read this! and allow me to be among the first to say Thank you to Uline for their contribution to this project.

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