Ad-hoc study group will recommend ways to improve the Black experience at UW–Madison

Ad-hoc study group will recommend ways to improve the Black experience at UW–Madison

At the direction of Chancellor Jennifer L. Mnookin, an ad-hoc group will study the Black experience at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and recommend steps the campus community could take to positively impact that experience.

“Black students, faculty and staff at UW–Madison have long experienced a campus climate and environment that can, at times, meaningfully inhibit a sense of belonging and the ability to flourish,” Mnookin says. “Most recently, a video on social media last spring in which a UW–Madison student used vile, racist language had a significant and harmful impact on our Black campus community and beyond.?While we have, over recent years, spearheaded a variety of efforts to support underrepresented minority members of our campus community, we recognize we still have much work to do.”...


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- - Volume: 11 - WEEK: 38 Date: 9/22/2023 1:01:41 PM -