RE: Wisconsin Paper News

RE: Wisconsin Paper News


What happened to your newsletter on the Wisconsin Paper Industry? I checked the website and noticed it has not been updated as well. My boss...

P.S We need to have lunch soon...


First, thanks for asking as well as reading and sharing my other publications. I’ll call you soon — but you will need to buy lunch, it`s a long story… 

I have temporarily suspended Wisconsin Paper News. What we have here is a failure to communicate. My goal was NOT to create a newsletter for the paper industry, but rather a newsletter for Wisconsin`s executives, elected officials, and media outlets to effect a positive outcome for the industry. 

Since you mentioned my other publications ( and, you understand my goal is to present our local businesses in a positive light and encourage legislative and community support for them, as well as increasing the overall awareness of the role they play in Wisconsin. I did not feel this was happening in “5P” and when I tried to correct it in WPN I failed to gain enough support.

Actually I do not want to do the marketing necessary to obtain the financial support for the newsletter and was deeply upset when my first partner, a great sales person (read used car) did not understand the market and the need to communicate to the general public created. This created a mess that I had to try and clean up each week. I believe he is now “preaching to the choir” and publishing a diatribe of articles of no interest to the general public and as you know that is not what my network is designed to do. I thoroughly enjoyed my relationship with the Paper Council but that relationship was dissolved by communication from the first group I worked with. 

So no partner, no sponsors, no newsletter. I know your “boss” is looking for support for projects in his district, but I am without the sponsors I need to continue to promote the industry. As always I will be happy to include any article(s) in if that helps, just call or text my cell. You remember the rules -- must be news, NO politics, third party source is nice but I can publish or write it for you if needed.

The good news is that this has created new opportunities and a NEW publication. Wisconsin Craft News - Beer Wine Spirits ( on the craft liquor industry in the State. I`m sure your “boss” has some breweries, wineries, and distilleries in his district so we can continue to “talk” -- in fact think of the due diligence we could provide by personally visiting the manufacturers in the district and sampling the product (forget lunch, I see a road trip).

I also now edit and publish for WIPPS on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Wisconsin and on commercial real estate and investing in the state. 

Good to talk to you, think about that road trip and — you can expense it!

Ken Harwood
Advocating for Wisconsin
Ken  [at] or


Ken Notes: From an email I wrote to a friend. If you have in interest in reviving Wisconsin Paper News give me a call -- there is still a story to tell...

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- - Volume: 10 - WEEK: 125 Date: 3/21/2022 6:11:46 PM -