Green Bay Schools Open Its Newest Inclusive Playground

Green Bay Schools Open Its Newest Inclusive Playground

GREEN BAY, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) – On Wednesday, GBAPS leaders held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new inclusive and ADA-compliant playground at Aldo Leopold Community School. It’s a project that’s been years in the making.

Students, families and staff were all in attendance to celebrate the occasion.

This is the third inclusive playground in the district, joining Baird Elementary and Jackson Elementary.

Officials say the playground was designed with help from Aldo Leopold students.

“Our students being a part of the design, the revision, and the completion of this project, is immensely, immensely rewarding,” said Trina Lambert, principal at Aldo Leopold Community School. “They will respect this playground, they will love this playground and they will play on it every day knowing that they were a part of it.”...


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