Economic Empowerment: Practical Strategies for Recruiting, Developing, and Mentoring Diverse Leadership

Economic Empowerment: Practical Strategies for Recruiting, Developing, and Mentoring Diverse Leadership

How do employers develop and mentor individuals from diverse backgrounds to prepare them for leadership? Or perhaps you are one of only a handful of diverse employees in your organization. How do you position yourself to be considered for leadership?

This panel will address how organizations can identify talent, develop leadership opportunities, assign mentors, and grow diverse leadership in our organizations. In the process, panelists will also share how employees can be ready to receive help when opportunities arise.  The panel will also address why recruitment of diverse talent is a win-win for employers, employees, communities, and our state.



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- - Volume: 24 - WEEK: 30 Date: 7/25/2024 1:41:48 PM -