‘Pizza on the farm – a trend is taking hold’

‘Pizza on the farm – a trend is taking hold’

Winghaven Pizza Farm in Galesville open three days a week

GALESVILLE – Using the land his family originally settled in 1852, Rob Grover – owner of Winghaven Pizza Farm in Galesville – said he takes pride in knowing he’s carrying on some of the family legacy.

“It means a lot to the family,” he said. “If you think about it – 1852 – that’s almost 10 years before the Civil War broke out. Think about all the history our family has seen. We’ve never been a wealthy family – we’ve been farm people and succeeded through wars, the Great Depression and tragedies. Every generation has had to think of a new way to make things work, and somehow, we’ve been able to hold on to the land and make a living from it. There’s a lot of pride there.”

When N.B. and Mary Grover first settled on the family farm more than 170 years ago, Rob Grover said they planted apple trees...


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