City of Viroqua is looking for a licensed daycare provider to locate in new workforce housing project

City of Viroqua is looking for a licensed daycare provider to locate in new workforce housing project

VIROQUA, Wis. – The new 65 unit workforce housing project that is currently under construction at the site of the old county highway shop also includes space for a 6,000 square foot daycare center. Although the property is owned by developer Northpointe Development of Oshkosh, Wis. the daycare (along with a retail space) has been a central part design from the start and the city has been an active partner in the success of the development.

β€œIn speaking with elected officials, organizational partners and members of the community, it is clear the lack of affordable childcare continues to be a preeminent issue for the City of Viroqua and the region. By creating and leasing this childcare facility to a qualified provider at a highly subsidized rate, we aim to help address this issue,” said City Administrator Nate Torres.

The City of Viroqua is offering to lease the space to a qualified provider for $1.00 per year, plus utilities and a share of operational costs. Additional details and a summary of the lease terms are available on the city website...


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