Managed grazing and strawberry cake on the agenda for July Watershed Council meeting

Managed grazing and strawberry cake on the agenda for July Watershed Council meeting

COON VALLEY, Wis.– More than 40 people gathered in the headwaters of the Coon Creek Watershed to learn about managed grazing and organic dairy farming during the Coon Creek Community Watershed Council’s (CCCWC) July 3 meeting. 

The Canter family, who hosted the meeting, hoped that attendees left their farm with more confidence to experiment with conservation practices, and were inspired to think about ways they could “make running water walk” in their own places across the watershed. 

“Every little bit helps,” Matthew Canter said. “Sometimes what I do can feel innocuous when I’m surrounded by an ocean of non-conservation, but for every little bit I do, things downstream could be a little bit better.”...


Ken Notes: Good read!

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- - Volume: 24 - WEEK: 28 Date: 7/12/2024 9:25:10 AM -