Mayors in Mississippi River towns getting through rainy season and flooding

Mayors in Mississippi River towns getting through rainy season and flooding

For the first time in over a year, the Mississippi Valley is not experiencing a drought. That’s mainly because of the heavy rains in recent weeks which led to flooding on the river.

Now that river levels are going down, mayors of towns along the Mississippi are dealing with the flooding. La Crosse Mayor Mitch Reynolds is a co-chair of a group of Mississippi River mayors, and he told an on-line press conference on Thursday that the rain has re-charged area waters.

“In some ways, the rain, the precipitation is welcome,” said Reynolds. He said the area just pulled out of a long drought that cost the nation $26 billion. “And for the first time since 2022, there is no drought along the Mississippi River corridor,” he added...


Ken Notes: The good news is the river is coming down almost as fast as it came up. Hope you all stayed high and dry...

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- - Volume: 24 - WEEK: 28 Date: 7/12/2024 8:26:44 AM -